Muscle: Professional bodybuilder Tom Terwilliger and his wife, Dawn Terwilliger

After you’ve been training several years you develop certain beneficial patterns and some not so beneficial. One of the patterns that has benefited me over the years has to do with periodically returning to specific workout routines that I know work for stimulating a variety of positive metabolic effects on muscle.

The 100’s routine happens to be one of the staples in my regular arsenal of muscle producing as well as mind and WILL challenging programs.


“It’s one of the most powerful tools for breaking physical
and mental training plateaus.”

(yes, you can quote me on that!)

The benefits are far-reaching:

1. It shocks the central nervous system (a little like getting hit by a truck) which can and does increase a rise in the production of both muscle producing hormones – growth hormone and testosterone.

2. It works even better than the familiar H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) for rapid fat loss. Performing a set of 100 squats for example, can take as long as 2 full minutes with your heart rate spiking to near 100% by about the half way mark. This is what I call a full-blown metabolic spike that triggers a serious post workout fat burning effect.

3. For athletes it’s amazing because it increases the number of fuel burning mitochondria within the muscle cell. 100 = more medication = more endurance and stamina = more gold. It’s a simple formula.

4. If the gym is the strength of will proving ground (and for those of us who strive, it is) then 100s both challenge and simultaneously strengthens our WILL within that environment.  There’s no ambiguity with 100s – you push through the freaking reps 50-70-80-90-100 – or you quit. It’s black and white – no grey. You either find, deep down inside yourself what it takes or you discover that like the muscles themselves your WILL needs some further development.

5. It’s a great routine for both men and women. Because it’s not designed to build BIG bulky muscle, both rather stimulate the ability to do so, women really benefit from 100s as way of reducing body fat and adding shape to their frame.

Try it on for SIZE if you think your ready and if you’re not ready all the more reason to get to it.

WARNING: 100’s workout is not for everyone.

If you have history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes,
whining, crying or complaining check with your Dr. or Wet Nurse before attempting this workout! 

100’s Workout:

Day 1 – Back / Biceps

  • Back
  1. Wide cable pull downs                               100
  2. Squat position cable rows                          25/20/15
  3. One arm DB rows off bench                      100 each side
  4. Lower back extensions                               25/20/15
  • Biceps
  1. Standing Cable/DB curls                           100

Day 2 – Legs / Calves                   

  • Quads
  1. BB squats                                                      100
  2. Lunges                                                           25/20/15
  3. Inverted leg press                                        100
  • Calves
  1. Leg press toe raises                                     100
  • Hamstrings
  1. leg curls                                                         100
  2. Stiff leg dead lifts                                         25/20/15

Day 3 – Chest / Shoulders / Triceps

  • Chest
  1. BB bench press on ball                               100
  2. Incline DB press                                           25/20/15
  3. Cable cross overs                                         100
  • Shoulders
  1. Bent over laterals                                         25/20/15
  2. Side laterals                                                  100
  • Triceps
  1. Lying cable tri extension                            100
  2. Fit ball pushups                                            3 sets to max(failure)

Important note:

  • Q. How much weight should I use for the 100’s? For the 100s exercises choose a weight that is approximately 20-30% of what you could perform a tough set of 10 reps ( 100 lbs x 30% = 30lbs).  You’ll have to experiment but error on the side of lighter for the first couple of workouts and track every weight with notations up< or > down for the next workout. The goal is to get straight through to 100 with only a few short pauses (5-10 sec max)- if it’s to easy increase the resistance.
  • How long should I do this program? This routine should be performed for no more than 8 weeks… the start of week 5 you will flip-flop the routine.  The exercises you were doing 100s with you will then do 25/20/15 and visa verse.

Tom Terwilliger

Share your experience with this routine. Tell me about the after-burn or send progress pictures!

After you have gone the distance with my 100’s routine, check out other techniques from some very close friends of mine. Work Out LESS (Yes, Less) and Stop Blaming Everything on How Old You Are