Tom Terwilliger - Mind & Body Performance

Happy Thanksgiving You Special Turkey

And finally my thoughts raced to those men and women who are away from their homes this Thanksgiving in service of our freedom. Their sense of purpose which they are willing to sacrifice their lives for is our ability to choose, turkey or ham, god or no god, and to live free, and give

Turning Your Weakness Into Strength

During a recent coaching call I was asked by someone who was facing a challenge that would require her to turn what she perceived to be a weakness into a

The Truth About Obesity In America

A friend of mine presented me with a news clipping from the Denver Daily News yesterday which had within it a quote from a noted fitness expert regarding the recent

What Threatens Your EGO?

This whole ego business is pretty interesting. On one hand, the ego is often responsible for not allowing us to admit our own limitations and for the cocky arrogance that

Bob Greene out… Dr. Topher Morrison In

DR. TOPHER MORRISON - Settle for Excellence steps in for Bob Greene on tonight's call. Since 1989, Topher, has trained tens of thousands of people worldwide, as an acclaimed, dynamic presenter on

What Direction Will You LEAP – Financially?

           click to listen Stewart Welch author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Rich This interview is part of our LEAP Inspiration and Direction teleseminar series brought to you by Experience