Leadership Skills or Common Decency?

Years ago, Dale Carnegie published a list of rules for leadership based on his well-known book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. And yet some people are still under

How to Maximize Peak Performance for Desk Junkies

When people talk about performance, the image that often comes to mind is the athlete.  Athletes who achieve greatness exemplify the qualities that define the successful pursuit of excellence. But even

It Pays Dividends for a Healthy Lifestyle

If you're regular reader of my blog, follow my videos or subscribe to any of my trainings it's safe to assume you're a little more ambitious than the average bear...

Strength of Will in the Man of Steel

Why does everyone idolize this superhero? The "Man of Steel" is this summers big blockbuster movie.   Millions of people (not just kids) have or will slap down there hard earned

The Reality of Lower Level Living

Have you ever lived someplace you absolutely hated?  You know like crappy little back room “bachelor” apartment or just above a Chinese restaurant? We’ve all been there. For years one of my

[VIDEO] How to Expose and Conquer Temptation

You’re on the path to success, focused, on task and driven by intention when suddenly, out of the blue you find yourself screwing up big time. It's happened more than once.

5 Steps for Choosing Confidence

To thrive in an often painful and unpredictable world confidence is a necessary element. Confidence typically comes with age and experience...and is gained not given.  However, as you gradually grow

Top 3 Most Important Benefits of Failure

Sure, we’re all about success. There’s little point in trying anything new (other than just for fun) if success were not the desired outcome or at least a possibility. But