How To Turn a Vacation Into An Adventure

While visiting our regular Island paradise (Antigua) we decided to do a little more than just lay around the pool (which aint bad either) so we ventured out with some

Pumping Up Your Grey Matter Muscle

Here’s a question for you... “What do you believe is the number one most important component in the entire fitness puzzle?” Here are your choices: 1.  Nutrition 2.  Exercise 3.  Mindset I surveyed a group of
Tom Terwilliger | Max Mindset | High Achievers University | Muscle and Fitness

Bad Attitude Checklist

Do you have a "bad" attitude? Bad attitudes come in all shapes and sizes but there are two types that are the most pervasive and infectious – and neither one is

Are You Playing FULL OUT?

I'm around the fitness and bodybuilding community quite a bit. In fact I would say my time is split just about down the middle between what I do in the

The Accountability Survey Results

Accountability…Who Needs It? We surveyed 32 random people regarding the importance or unimportance of accountability in the achievement of a goal or objective. The results clearly indicate that the vast majority of
Tom Terwilliger | Max Mindset | High Achievers University | Muscle and Fitness

Accountability…Who Needs It?

Our success in life and on the playing field (whatever that field is for you) will depend in large part on our ability to identify our objective, commit to achieving
Tom Terwilliger | Max Mindset | High Achievers University | Boot Camp

How Much Should We Reveal?

There's a of talk today about "transparency" and being authenticity who you are. But how much should you reveal about yourself to the world. Do we share with the public,
Tom Terwilliger | Max Mindset | High Achievers University | Muscle and Fitness

The Power of Audacious Goals

In this episode of my Muscle & Fitness: Max Mind Set, I talk about leaving the New Year's Resolution "BULLSHIT" at 2012's doorstep and invoking some real passion by setting