What Direction Will You LEAP – Financially?

           click to listen Stewart Welch author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Rich This interview is part of our LEAP Inspiration and Direction teleseminar series brought to you by Experience
Tom Terwilliger - Mind & Body Performance

The Secret Millionaire…Are You?

I watch very little television these days. After all, why would I? There's so little time and way too much bad news being televised.  Who needs it! Every now and

“Go Take a Flying Leap”

Next time someone says, "Go Take a Flying Leap."  You should thank them! There's so much talk today about "taking the next step" or "going to the next level" that I'm

Preparing for a Fitness Battle

Let's face it, getting fit takes some effort.  But getting into peak condition, shredded, or cut is an entirely different animal.  Comparing the two is like comparing going out for

Proof: You Can Have Strength at Any Age

2008 Rocky Mountain Senior Games Dawn and I have had the privilege for the past four years to witness some pretty incredible feats of strength from what most would consider, an