Ok, so pretty much anybody who has heard the radio, seen the television or read the newspaper in the last week knows this past Saturday December 10, 2011 was the
We're taught to keep our eye on the ball and to focus on the outcome not the obstacle. Which I'm sure you'd agree is incredibly sound advice.
Too often we see
It’s like that with our goals. We think we know what we want and even have an internal map of how to get there - but somewhere along the way we wind up confused, lost and chaotic. That’s when Anarchy does its best dirty work. If your objective or goal is even remotely cloudy, vague, and ambiguous this saboteur will slip in and begin destroying your ability to achieve it.
Learn one of the most powerful and controversial strategies for eliminating the fear of failure - permanently and how to start to break through to the success you deserve.
Before I quickly introduce you to part II of the "controversial" interview Erik Rokeach did with me not long ago let me first invite you - if you have not
I've been quoted as saying "All achievement is based first on the strength of your WILL." The strength of will I talk about of course is the WILL to start,
Have you ever had a partner, coach or friend who pushed you a little harder than you actually wanted to be pushed?  I mean they demanded more from you perhaps
As a National Bodybuilding Champion you can imagine I have received a lot of sound and even some not so sound advice in the areas of exercise and nutrition. I