Ya know this always happens… and I’ll bet it happens to you as well. As soon as I think I have a free minute something comes along that I just can’t refuse.
My good friend, Jeff Behar of Muscle Mag Fitness has asked me to contribute to the site as a writer and member of the advisory board.
After taking a look and seeing the value of the information and the way it is being disseminated, I simply could not say no. Jeff is a really amazing guy and our friendship goes way back to my bodybuilding days in the late 80’s. The guy’s still has an amazing physique but more importantly he has a passion for helping others avoid disease and build strong healthy and good looking bodies.
I hope you stop by, become part of the community, and join the likes of Jeff, Lenda Murray, Bill Grant, Eddie Robinson, myself and many others and remember to contribute some of your own experience and wisdom. See you there.